Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Pregnancy Experience

I want to start out by saying that all pregnancies are totally different so for you first time mom's, don't freak out if you aren't having regular symptoms or your having more symptoms than most. Noone but you and your doctor truly know what's normal for you.
In my first trimester with panda, I had absolutely no symptoms of pregnancy. Not even nausea. I would get sick if I was tired but other than that easiest trimester ever!
Second trimester, was slightly more difficult, this is the easiest for a lot of women. Panda really liked being super low in my belly so he would actually rub on my pelvic bone causing some pain and discomfort. Mainly it was just scary and I was afraid he would try to come early. Luckily this was not the case and by the end of the second trimester he was pretty much stuck there. I ended up having to take extra calcium to help protect my pelvic bone.
Third trimester you are pretty much ready for baby. I wasn't really tired of being pregnant. I just couldn't wait to eat my little guy and hold him. By about 39 weeks I was done being pregnant though. One word...HEARTBURN. 24/7 Heartburn. Even milk gave me Heartburn. Tums worked a little but it still kept me up at night. So much fun.
Our panda was born 5 days before his due date. The labor experience was interesting.  I experienced back labor which I have read is more intense, but I think labor in general is pretty darn intense.
So with back labor, I would get a sharp pain in my back, and it would slowly move to the front and my muscles would just tighten and release then the pain in my back would go away for a few moments. Yes it hurts but it's so worth it all when you get to hold your tiny baby.
Out of fear I opted for an epidural. You see I was admitted into the hospital at 2 in the morning, there was only one other woman in labor at the time and you would have thought she was being murdered. Being my first time in labor I was terrified. The nurses kept apologizing and assured me that she was overreacting and just being dramatic. I was still worried and couldn't sleep, so I opted for the pain medication in the IV to help me sleep. That was the first time I had ever had a pain medication that messed with your head so that was a fun experience. I awoke in the morning and the woman was still screaming.
I was so terrified, so I opted for an epidural and I am so thankful that I did. I slept through most of the labor and as it turns out while pushing, my pelvic bone had separated because his head had rubbed on the cartilage for so long. I didn't feel anything until the next day. By then you are so happy and relieved to have your little angel that you don't really notice the pain.
I hope this story helped some of you first time mom's and maybe those thinking about having kids but are scared of the process.
Love to all

Monday, August 1, 2016


I have been lacking in my posts so I thought an update was in order. C and I have grown our family by adding a sweet baby boy named Axel. (Pregnancy and birth experience posts to follow). I started cosmetology school and will soon graduate. C and I became pregnant once again when Axel was 6 months old, but went through the tragedy so many others have had to go through. A miscarriage. (Post to come). 2 months later we are pregnant once again and everything is going perfect. We are past the first trimester and so far so good. I will do better at posting this time around! Post any questions or comments in the comments below :)