Thursday, December 6, 2018

Juggling the Many Hats

Wife, Mom, Career Woman, Homemaker, Daughter, Sister, Friend, the list goes on and on. When I started my website, instagram and blogs, I really struggled with what to say. I have never been a truly outspoken person. I am not much of a writer and in the back of my mind I'm always thinking "who cares".

But that is also why I started. I juggle many hats and have many responsibilities like most wives and mothers do. I find a lot of the time, we are so busy being someone or something to someone else that we often lose track of ourselves. We end up feeling more like a robot rather than a human being with our own wants and needs. We as women often put ourselves on the back burner to better serve those we love and care about.

If you are like me, sometimes you forget to take yourself off the back burner and end up being burnt out. So that is the reason I started everything. Yoga started out as just my "me-time", a chance to unwind and sort of connect with myself again. But i still didn't feel like I had found my voice. I love my family and I love my career but it just wasn't flowing the way I had imagined it would. But then again when does anything go the way we imagine.

Through instagram/website and blog, I am slowly finding my own voice and learning that its okay to have an opinion not everyone agrees with. Its okay to not have perfectly constructed sentences with perfectly articulated thoughts. I am human and i can guarantee that I will drop a few hats once in a while. But that is also when the ones we take care of and love that will in turn help us when we aren't quite perfect